Welcome to ESOL Study!

Using English is the best way to improve your English! Please sing with the songs and write comments.

Please suggest songs and topics you like.

If you are using a phone, you need to scroll down and press "view web version" to find links to the vocabulary and grammar exercises.

If your phone translates this blog, please set your phone to use English. The instructions are here.

Click on the picture of the book to find the link to class vocabulary!

If you want me to explain any English topic to you on here, please comment or text to tell me.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Remember When!

Write about a memory.  What are you happy to remember?

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Winter in the Air

It's starting to feel like winter here in Northern Virginia!  Do you like winter?  What is your favorite thing about winter?  What is your favorite season?

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

A Million Dreams

What are your favorite visions for the future?  What do you want to do?

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Escaping for a little while...

(Slithers = slivers.  Gonna should be spelled going to)

Tell me a story about traveling somewhere.   Where did you go?  What did you do?  Did you go alone?

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Moon River

I'm sorry.  We're going to try another sub.  My daddy died last weekend, and as an only child, I need to plan the funeral and try to comfort my mom.  My daddy was always very good to us.
Please come to class and talk as much as you can.  Keep studying.

"Huckleberry friend" is NOT common English. 

Write about traveling on water.  Did you enjoy it?  Where were you?  What did you do?


My mother grew up in Galveston, TX.  Her part of the family survived some really bad hurricanes.

This video is FAST, but it repeats.  Try to sing it.

Teacher GRRR alert:
There are a few mistakes in this video.  HockeyGirl 86 used the wrong "your."  When you spell "your," use it to show possession.  I like your purple polka-dotted scarf.  In this song, it should read "when you're standing in the eye of the hurricane."  Also, never use an apostrophe for "it hits me."  Just add the s for simple present with it.

Tell me a story about getting reading for a storm.  What do you need to do to get ready for a storm?

Thursday, October 4, 2018

I can treat you better!

Only use coz for texting.  Don't use it for formal writing.  Coz=cause=because.
wanna = be want to
In this song, treat is not a yummy thing like ice cream.  Treat is also how someone behaves with another person.  She treats him very badly is good English.

Can you spot any Present Continuous verbs in this song?  What are they?

What do you like to do to treat someone well?  I like to spend time together and talk!!

This is My Now

What are you doing now?  Can you make a video similar to these examples at 2:17 or later??

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane

Where will you go when you fly on a plane next?   How often do you travel?  Where do you like to go?  Are you planning any trips?

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


How often do you call your long distance friends?  Do you have habits that help keep those friendships strong? 

If it won't make you sad, describe a friend that's far away.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Monday, July 30, 2018

We almost never say "too good."  We usually say "very good."  Why?

Why does this song say "too good?"

Do you know your parts of speech? Practice with this link!!

Monday, July 23, 2018

Wild Horses

Some people thought that Susan Boyle's voice was difficult to understand.
Most North American people know a different version of this song.  The Rolling Stones made this song famous.  

Did you ever ride a horse?  Was it fun?  Tell me about it!


Listening Quiz with "Yellow"

I don't really understand this song, but I like the listening quiz.  I hope you enjoy it!

What is your favorite color?  Do you think of a color when you think of a certain person?  Tell me the story!!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Why don't you...?

I'm losing my mind just a little means that I feel a little crazy.

We often say, "why don't you..." to suggest something.  It looks like a question, but it's really a nice way to advise or command.  Why don't you meet me in the middle?  means "Let's compromise."

What do you ask people to do?  Can you use, "Why don't you?"

Example:  When I ask my son to take out the trash, I can say "Why don't you take out the trash?"
When I ask my daughter to make a salad, I can say, "Why don't you make a salad?"
When I ask my husband to call me, I can say, "Why don't you call me after work?

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Here comes the sun...

Do you like sunny weather?  What is your favorite weather?

Practice weather words with Languageguide.org

Practice some weather and clothing words with learningchocolate.org

Did you ever travel some place because you wanted to be in better weather?  Do you think weather changes how you feel?  What do you pack when you travel?

When we were young...


If was for 1, were for 2+, always were for you -- 1 or 2+ = REALLY EASY,
                                                                             review countable nouns and/or indefinite pronouns.

Non-count nouns and many indefinite pronouns take WAS, not WERE.
Some are crazy.  Fruit is non-count, but vegetables are plural. 
Words like everybody, my class, and my family are 1 group, not plural words, and they use WAS, not WERE.

Worksheet with conversation questions about when you were young

Write comments:
When you remember childhood, what was good?  How old were you?  What were you like?  What did you like?  What did you do?

Monday, July 9, 2018

It was always you!

Describe a place that was beautiful.  Why were you there?  Did you ever dream about a beautiful place?

Friday, July 6, 2018

A perfect memory

Atlas Mountain Reading from class today -- Also available at the Grammar Explorer Book Resources link on the right.  This reading is Track 35 on CD 2
(If you are on a cellphone, you need to go down and touch view web page version to see the links)


(If it won't make you sad today) Write about a time that you were happy.  When were you happy?
(Can you use a time marker* when you write about it?)(*USA English says "on the weekend."  British English says "at the weekend.")

I was here -- using was and were...

Next is a long video of how to use was and were.  
If you didn't understand was for 1 -- were for 2+--always were for you (1 or 2+) in class, watch it.

Where were you when you first practiced the verb "to be" in English?  I was in Bloomington, Indiana.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

You were always on my mind

We also practiced using frequency adverbs.

What was on your mind yesterday?  What was on your mind ten years ago?

What little things are important if your (current, past, or future) partner wants make you happy?

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Happy 4th of July!

Washington DC Fireworks are famous.  There are other smaller fireworks shows in the area too.

History of Independence Day -- it's  fast, but I think some of you can understand.

Some patriotic songs you may hear today....

God Bless America-- A Christian Patriotic song 

"Stars and Stripes Forever" often plays during fireworks

Monday, June 25, 2018

California Dreamin

Are you traveling this summer?  What are your dream goals?  How can you get them?

So Happy Together!

Practice Using Pronouns

I've been very happy with my spring class!  What makes you happy?

Friday, June 22, 2018

Like a Bridge Over Troubled Water

What do you do to help your friends?  What makes you feel better when you are stressed? 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Up, Up and Away

Balloon Tours in Central Virginia (More than a 45 minute drive out there-check distances)

Have you ever ridden in a balloon?


Horseback Riding near Fairfax County

Brenda is going to camp on Chincoteague Island.  Chincoteague is famous for the wild pony swim and auction that happens every year.  This year it will be on July 25, 2018.  Some people say the ponies came from a Spanish ship that was supposed to take the ponies to Peru.  Other people say the ponies belonged to pirates that secretly kept them there.  The pony swim was an annual custom long before the USA became the USA.

Did you ever ride a horse?  Do you like to ride horses?

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Progressive (or continuous) tenses -- be + ______ing are always for action in progress.  The action continues after the time you talk about.  Use them when your action is NOT FINISHED. 

Past progressive is commonly used to tell stories in the past.  I was sleeping when the phone rang.  She was doing her homework when the book fell on her toe.  We were riding the bus when we met.  I was talking while they were studying.

What were you doing during the world cup game on Sunday?

What were you doing during the thunderstorm?  Were you worried?

Monday, June 18, 2018

I hope...

Do you have any hopes or dreams for any children in your life?  (Nieces, nephews, grandchildren, cousins, or actually your children?

I will return

I hope to return this summer, but many of my students plan to travel instead of taking English.  If you like the class, please tell people to come and sign up.  Will you return this summer?

Saturday, June 16, 2018


Are there any places or seasons that remind you of your dad?  I honestly think of mine at Costco or the shopping mall....

Are you like (similar to) your dad?

The cat in the cradle = a string game parents used to play with children

Nursery rhymes are silly poems that we often teach toddlers.

Nursery Rhyme: Little Boy Blue

Nursery Rhyme-- Hey Diddle Diddle

I look like my mom, but I act more like my dad.  My dad did curriculum design for ESOL.  He loved his job, and I love mine too.  He liked to travel, and I do too.  He loved to read, and I do too.

My dad was a busy man who often worked two jobs, but he still had time for me.  We were lucky.  He ate with me, watched TV with me, took me shopping, and traveled with me.

Are you similar to your dad?  How?  Did you spend have the opportunity to spend time with your dad?  What did you do with him?

Thursday, June 14, 2018


Don't worry about today's reading test.  If I get the results soon, I will tell you.

Don't worry about your level placement.   You improved a lot.  I saw that you improved a lot.  The levels are big and  the divide between them a bit arbitrary.  I keep people in LI if I think they can learn best there, but I never repeat everything exactly the same way.  Levels are a tool so that you can learn as fast as possible with (hopefully) very little frustration.

What do you want to learn this week?


Are you celebrating tonight?  What are you doing?

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Tell me about yourself (in a job interview)

Volunteering -- working for NO $$$-- can give you practice in English, new friends, and connections that can help you get a job when you finish your English classes.  Religious organizations -- churches, mosques, temples, and synagogues -- can often connect you to volunteer opportunities.
Another place to find volunteer work is Volunteer Fairfax

.Tell me about yourself!  (You don't have to subscribe, but if you do, tell me if it helps you a lot!)

What's up with the "voter's" signs at Pimmit Today?

A primary is an early election to help determine who will be on the ballot for a later big election.  Today is a primary.   Although the USA has a number of political parties, most elected candidates are either Democrat or Republican.  In Virginia, you don't have to belong to a political party to vote in the party's primary.  Some Virginia Voters vote in the primary for the least-objectionable candidate in the opposition's party.

Is voting allowed in your country?  Is voting required in your country?  Do you think elections are usually honest?

Monday, June 11, 2018

4-leaf clover

words start around :35

If you found a four-leaf clover, what did you do with it?  (Janice dried, pressed, and laminated hers.)  Did you ever find something else that's supposed to be good luck?

Saturday, June 9, 2018

The End of the World...

What makes you feel better when you are sad or stressed?  Do you like to do routine things?  Do you like to avoid routine things?  Do you cook?  Do you watch movies?

Listen and Repeat-- Past tense practice

When were those days?

Do you have happy memories of a certain age or time of your life?  Tell me about a happy time in your life.

Thursday, June 7, 2018


Most of the words you don't know in this video  are names of players.  "Cut someone slack" is excuse them for relaxing or not doing their work. 

The biggest offense to me in this video is the spelling.  The homonyms are horrible.  "Witch" should be "Which."   Cuz is text-spelling for "because."  "Crake" is not a word, it should be "crack."  "Tare" should be "tear" as in rip paper, not the eye liquid when you cry.  Last, it's the STANLEY cup, not the Stanly.

Same video without the words, but with pictures that make it easier to understand...

Are you watching the game?  Do you like hockey?  What sports and teams do you watch?

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Vocabulary Quiz Tomorrow

I told you to study the starred words on set 2 and set 3 for a quiz tomorrow.  I said "starred words" to make the sets smaller and more useful for people who didn't keep up with studying Quizlet little-by-little every day. If you already studied all the words, congratulations!  You win!  You know a LOT of new words.  Your English has improved the most!!!

If you didn't study a lot before, focus and study these words.  I am aware that we do a LOT of vocabulary, that you need repetition to remember it, and that it is difficult to study a lot while working full-time, cooking for Ramadan, or taking care of young children.

I am sorry I didn't realize earlier that my "starred word" didn't automatically go to your phones.  I made new "starred sets" that you can use.

If you want to use your old set, you can also star your own words on the original sets.  If you already starred different words, touch them to turn off that star. You can print out the list or bring it up on your phone while you touch or click to star the words on the list on a computer (or phone).  I don't know why some phones star easily and others don't.  It is best to study ALL the words especially if you've been studying all week.  Your skill at English in the world is much more important than any grades in my class.

Starred Set 2

Starred Set 3

Complete Set 2 (not starred)

Complete Set 3 (not starred)

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Snow White

So, you asked today about "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" because Taylor Swift remembered being a little kid who liked this story. This video's English subtitles are often incorrect, and you may have to sit through some ads, but the video tells the really old fairy tale from the song.  It also has some superlative examples!

Disney re-did "Snow White" because the 1937 movie really isn't appropriate for the age that they market the story to.  Some of the old songs are still replayed a lot.

Do you already know this fairy tale?  Can you write about your favorite fairy tale from when you were a child?

Sunday, May 20, 2018


In American English, we say, "crust" not "base."  We are more likely to say, "Let's go" than "Shall we go."  Other than those two moments, this conversation could be in American English.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Nothing Else Matters

I love the pace of this song, and I like to put student's recommendations up.  So many things matter to me, though.  What matters to you?

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Yummy Salvadoran-style Chicken Salad

 Thank you, Morena!

Salvadoran Style Chicken Salad!

Do you like to cook?  What are your favorite recipes?  What are you going to make for dinner tonight?

How long will I love you?

Answers to Workbook p. 29

Using present continuous for the future

Grammar practice and listening -- future with "will"

future with "going to"

Are you going to do anything special for Mother's Day?  What are you going to do?

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

What does your mother think about...?

When I did a youtube search for motherly lyrics, this song came up.  
It's slow enough to understand.
It demonstrates good examples of the grammar we're doing.
One of my students this session wrote that Pink Floyd is good.

This is NOT a nice, happy, loving mother's day kind of song.  If you hate sad anti-mother/anti-government kinds of songs, don't watch this one.

What are some of your mother's opinions?  What are (or were) some things she often said?

Thursday, May 3, 2018

The GO song

How do you make yourself get up and keep going when life is difficult?

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Cold November Rain

This song is long and as depressing as a cold November rain, but it has some great examples of simple present tense and indefinite pronouns...

Do you have a partner?  How long have you been together?  What little things do you do for each other to keep the relationship happy? 

John Gottman claims he can tell in five minutes whether a couple will stay together or divorce by how they talk to each other.  He says that couples often make little bids for attention.  He says that if you notice and respond when your partner tries to get your attention, you are more likely to be happy for a long time.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

What do you look like?

For this class, you only need Opinion--Size--Color--Pattern
It's difficult to find internet resources on adjective order that only have these categories.
It's also easy to find internet resources that are totally wrong about the order.

Advanced Class adjective order is NO SASC POMP -- Number Opinion Size Age Shape Color Pattern Origin Material Purpose  (I think numbers often replace articles and that an article (a-the-an) isn't an adjective)  Practice Adjective Order -- Advanced, but the easiest I found

Describe a good friend, a relative, and/or an outfit that you like to wear

Monday, April 23, 2018

Lady in Red

What is your favorite color for clothes?  Do you like a different color for your partner or for your children?

Friday, April 20, 2018

Love Story

Write about how you met your spouse (or how your parents met each other.)  Is it okay in your culture to marry someone your parents don't like?  Would you say anything if you didn't like your child's love interest?


Is there a legal drinking age in your country? (In the USA, it's illegal for people under the age of 21 to buy alcohol.)  Do college students often drink alcohol?  Do groups usually have a designated driver? (A designated driver gets free non-alcoholic drinks from everyone in the group then drives everybody home)

What was your routine when you were twelve years old?  (Example:  When I was twelve, my dad usually woke me up at 6 AM.  I usually read a novel before I walked to school.  I really liked my teacher, Ms. Combs.  She was strict, but happy to repeat things when I didn't remember.  We always had a long recess after lunch, and sometimes I did all my homework with my friends at that time. We studied math, English, the revolutionary war, and science.  In science, I made a lamp.  After school, I walked to my piano class, my swimming class, my friend's house, or my home.  At home, I usually made biscuits for an after-school snack.  My parents often took me to restaurants or to the shopping mall in the evening.  My bedtime was 8:45.)

So Happy Together

What does your family do to make each other happy together?  How do your friends make you happy? What do you like to do with your family or friends?

Thursday, April 19, 2018


Some ways to ask someone to stop bothering you.  ("Stop bothering me!" is fine)

Tell me about a time you told someone to stop bothering you.  What were they doing?  What did you say?

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Let's Get Started!!

What is your name?  Where are you from?  What do you need most from English class?  Do you have a favorite band or singer that sings in English?  What were your favorite things to do in past English classes?  What do you enjoy talking about?

It'll be

What will you do when you speak English fluently?

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Read All About It

How we gonna learn your song?=How are we going to learn your song?=How will we learn your song?
wanna = want to

What do you want to talk about in English class?  What vocabulary do you most need?

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Do you like rockets? Do you like science fiction?

Did you ever watch a launch into space?  What did you see?  Where were you?  Do you like science fiction?  What do you like?

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Do you have a pet?

Tell me about a pet.  What kind of pet did you have?  Please describe it.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Learn English-- Change your life!

Please describe a time that you wanted to speak excellent English.  When do you most want to speak English well?

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Happy First Day of Spring!!

I think my cousin in Maryland made this snowman today....

Please print this list of phone numbers and websites to use in case of typical storm emergencies.

Be careful on the roads!  If you are comfortable driving in snow and have four-wheel drive and sleds or skis, you may want to check out Fairfax County places to sled or ski

Are you enjoying the snow?  What are you doing?

Poetry Day

Do you like poetry?  Who is your favorite poet?

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Last Day of Class!!

Thank you so much for the beautiful card, the delicious food, the amazing planter, the beautiful bouquet, the chocolate, the candle, the coffee mug, the necklace, the amazing memories....


What about this class surprised you?  (besides Nelson who is in another class....)  What is your favorite memory?  Did you get any good pictures to add to our shared "students" album?  Can you put some delicious recipes on google docs and share them with me?  How can I make the next class better?


Happy International Day of Happiness!!

What makes you happy?

Thursday, March 15, 2018

So today is the Ides of March...

and the USA's National Latin exam.  Really.

History: Who was Julius Ceaser?

Do you like Shakespeare?  Did you ever see or read a translation of "Julius Ceaser?"  "Et tu, Brute" isn't English, but you will still hear it from English-speaking people who want to let someone know that they see betrayal.  What plays do you like?

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Happy Pi Day!

Wasn't Qi amazing?  He remembers a LOT of digits!!

Do you have any good pie recipes?  What is your favorite kind of pie?


Happy White Day!!  Are you giving or receiving any gifts today?  What?

Don't stop now!!

Please keep coming and working.  It's not over yet...

Learning English is difficult and takes a lot of time, but you are doing a good job.
I understood all your speeches on Wednesday -- WOW!!

My curriculum is designed for students to study for one year -- three sessions -- before they move up to the next level.  Some people can move up after one session, but they usually have great listening skills and they often had a good English grammar education before they came to my class.
I often keep really excellent students for a second session so they have the opportunity to learn more vocabulary and topics that we didn't do in this session.
Please don't compare yourself to other students, and 
please register to come back and keep improving!!

Monday, March 12, 2018

Be Prepared to Teach Adults Tomorrow!! (If you didn't teach us yesterday!!)

What are you going to teach us?  What are the most important things that you teach your children?  What did you learn from a child?  What did you learn from a classmate?

Friday, March 9, 2018

Did you enjoy going to the Newseum?


What did you see?  What did you like?  What didn't you like?  Did you learn anything?

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Practice Talking about Household Problems

Can you fix things around the house?  Write about things you fixed.  Do you know a good plumber?  How about a good handyman?

Calling your landlord when the dryer doesn't work

A landlord or landlady is the owner of a property that someone rents.  They should pay for any big repairs.  The renter changes light bulbs and keeps things clean.

Did you ever call a landlord?  Why?