Welcome to ESOL Study!

Using English is the best way to improve your English! Please sing with the songs and write comments.

Please suggest songs and topics you like.

If you are using a phone, you need to scroll down and press "view web version" to find links to the vocabulary and grammar exercises.

If your phone translates this blog, please set your phone to use English. The instructions are here.

Click on the picture of the book to find the link to class vocabulary!

If you want me to explain any English topic to you on here, please comment or text to tell me.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Good Job! You are champions!!

An "earworm" is a song that repeats in your head.
I like earworms for English because they help you remember.
I've been hearing this song since Carolina started singing it today!

This English Class has been very fun for me.
You have a lot to be proud of!  You did a great job this class!!
When so many of you do so well, I feel like a champion!
Thank you!

 Good grammar and grammar words can make your progress much faster.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Friday, November 22, 2019

Please come back!!

I hope you continue English classes here at Plum Center.
I really think that people who finish all of our levels with FCPS ACE and then two at NVCC
find life in the USA much easier and more fun!
If you are going to continue, please pay before 11:45 on March 22.
If you will continue in my level, please help me make the class more fun and relevant for you.

What are you going to do in April?  Are you going to travel?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

At Last....

At last, our ten-week session is almost up.  No one failed.  Everyone learned a lot.  I hope you are happy with your progress no matter which level I choose for you.  I am very happy with the progress of every student who regularly made it to class.

Is there anything you want me to talk about before we finish the class?

Make New Friends

A long time ago, I was an assistant girl scout leader.  
Whenever I teach make vs. do, I think of this girl scout song.

Do you like to go camping?  Did you participate in girl scouts or boy scouts?  Did/do your children?

Is it easy to make new friends in the USA?  Write about meeting someone who became your friend.

At least

Use at least to say something positive or comforting when the main idea is bad or sad.  
The meaning is "at a minimum," but we always say, "at least."

The family doesn't usually help Rose do the housework, but at least they pitch in on her birthday.
I really miss him because he travels a lot, but at least he calls me every night.  
Many students aren't ready for high intermediate, but at least everyone improved a lot.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Used to...

What did you used to do when you were seventeen years old?  What were you doing Saturday at 2:00 PM?

When I was seventeen, I used to dance ballet.  I danced about 17 hours per week.  I used to try to teach myself to play the guitar.  I used to go to high school.  I used to read novels.  I used to talk on the telephone for hours.

On Saturday at 2, I was driving to Virginia Beach to see my dad.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Melancholy Baby

Melancholy is a very old word for sad or depressed.  People rarely use "melancholy."
When I am sad and anxious, I don't like people telling me that my fear is foolish.

What makes you feel better when you are sad?  What is a good way to cheer up a sad child?

Thursday, November 7, 2019

One foot in front of the other

We have two feet, so there is one and the other.  
One foot in front of the other is an expression for keeping on (persisting) a little at a time.

Your English is improving little by little.  What else do you improve at one step at a time?

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Monday, November 4, 2019

Election Day!

Can you vote?  Is voting in your country similar to voting here?
What issues (ideas that people argue about)  are important to you?  
Did politics affect your life?  How?

Virginia Election

Challenging Information for politically curious advanced readers:  Fairfax and Virginia Election 2019

Tomorrow, Virginians will vote on the local and state politicians who run the schools and set zoning and business laws.

The whole country will look at Virginia tomorrow because it is the most likely state to change from a Republican majority to a Democrat majority.  (Some people are retiring.  There are currently three more Republicans than Democrats in the State legislator.  There is no Republican candidate for the Virginia Senate on my ballot.)

Voting Information
Government Website that lists all the Candidates in Virginia. Scroll down to your district number and right to their websites.

NPR Guide to Northern Virginia Elections. You can use this to get the names and district number for the websites listed on the Government Website

Common Political Vocabulary

Issue = Idea that people loudly disagree about

Minimum Wage -- No business can pay a worker below this hourly pay

Abortion -- pregnant women can have surgery to not have a baby  (prochoice-- surgery is available, and the government may pay for poor women to get it.  prolife-surgery is illegal -- considered murder)

Gun Control -- Government should decide or restrict who can own guns

2nd Amendment Rights -- Everybody should be able to buy a gun

ERA  (Equal Rights Amendment) -- A constitutional change that says that all laws apply to women and men the same way.

When I was younger, I loved the voting information from the League of Women Voters.  Now they link to Vote 411 and directly to the candidate's websites.  Vote 411 is a website that gives information about all the political races in the USA.  It was started by the democratic party, but they try to be fair in their information.

Vote 411 Information about the ballot for people who live near Plum Center  (Not simplified for ESOL, and not really finished)

WTOP News about the election

Mood = emotional state (Challenging sexy video)

NO MORE  = any more

Are you moody?  Do you have any moody people in your family?  Do you think people are naturally moody or that disciplined people learn how to control it?  Can you calm down a moody person?  How?

Thursday, October 31, 2019

We will miss you Kelly!

Kelly is going to check on her family in her native country.  Please wish her well.  Text her if you can.  I will miss her a lot.

(Note:  There's one bad word in the next video.  Don't watch it if you don't want to hear it.)

How do you keep in touch with friends and family that are far away?

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

GO NATS!!! We WON!! Whooooeeeeeee!!!!

The Washington Nationals beat Houston in the World Series!!
The World Series is USA' s baseball's equivalent of the World Cup!

A normal baseball game has nine innings.  One inning means both teams have a chance to be offense and defense one time.  A team gets points when one player hits the ball with the bat and touches every base without another player catching the ball (without it touching the ground) or a player getting the ball and then touching him or a base the player needs to go to.

There are lots of ways to get "out."  Three outs makes it the other team's turn.  If you don't hit the ball when the umpire thinks you can, that's a strike.  Three strikes and you are out.  A ball hit off the field (FOUL) counts as a strike, but never the last strike.  If you hit the ball, but someone catches it before it touches the ground, you are out.  If someone gets the ball and touches the base you need to touch before you, you are out.

If the pitcher doesn't throw the ball in the good place that it is possible to hit, that's a ball.  Four balls and the player gets to walk to first base.

Baseball games can be very long, and fans sitting in the stadium can get sore from sitting too long.  When teams switch places in the middle of the seventh inning,  everybody stands up, stretches, wiggles, and sings, "Take Me Out to the Ball Game!!  It's called the seventh inning stretch.

Are you a Nats fan?  Do you understand how baseball is played?  Do you like baseball?  Do you have any favorite players?  Did you stay up to watch any of the games!!

Monday, October 28, 2019

I'm not giving up

What helps you keep going when you feel like giving up?  Never give up on English.  It takes time, but you can do it.

Monday, October 21, 2019

In the morning

(Nobody says "tis" in the USA anymore.  It's old British English for This is)

Practice prepositions of time (at/on/in) 

What do you like to do in the morning?  What do you hate to do in the morning?


What do you have to do tomorrow?  What do you have to do on Saturday?  What did you do last Friday?

Friday, October 18, 2019

Autumn Leaves

Aren't the leaves beautiful today?  Did you go to Cox Farms with kids recently?

How's everything going?  Do you like to hike?  Where?

You are beautiful!

Write about a beautiful person in your life.  How did you meet?  What does that person do?  
Does the beautiful person have a beautiful outside appearance, or mainly a beautiful personality?

Friday, October 11, 2019

Columbus Day! No school on Monday!

Schools, government offices, banks, and libraries close for Columbus Day.  Restaurants and stores usually don't.  They are often crowded with people who don't have to work!  Sometimes, they offer good deals for Columbus Day.

Advertisements that may include Columbus Day bargains:

Potomac Mills Sales

Ideas for other things to do:
Washington Parent Kids' Calendar
Cox Farms is a fun place to take elementary school-aged children this time of year
(although it's expensive for me)(The fall festival is fun for children and families.  There are even activities that are good for toddlers.  Fields of Fear at night is scary and for teenagers or adults)

Do you want to practice your verbs?

Use present continuous (present progressive) tense when the action is happening NOW!

Use simple present to talk about facts, routines, and frequency.  Also use present tense when you use a stative verb.  Stative verbs often express possession, opinions, emotions, and senses.

Use simple Simple Past for one past action that is finished.

Are you having a good weekend?  Are you going to go shopping?  

Thursday, October 3, 2019


What clothes make you feel like you look really good?  Do you have favorite clothes for your children, friends, or partner?

You are my Sunshine (Common kids' songs as examples for your homework)

If Jack makes me happy, silly, or sad, he causes the feelings of happiness, silliness, or sadness.
Example homework sentences:  Laurie is happy when her students understand.
                                                    Laurie is sad when she hears that a child is hurt.

What do you do when you are happy, silly or sad?  means  What is your response to happiness, silliness or sadness.
What do you do side:  Mary giggles when she is stressed.  Joe eats when he is hungry.  Sarah wears a sweater when she is cold.

What makes you excited?  What do you do when you are excited?


SXS Worksheet answers

How do you feel right now?  What are you doing?

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

You Sang to Me

Do you sing to anyone?  What do you sing?  I sang lullabies to my babies!

Monday, September 30, 2019

Yesterday Once More

Some songs always bring back memories.   This song reminds me of ice skating in the 70's with my babysitter -- a young man who wanted to be a magician.  He always found the quarters for the hot chocolate vending machine behind my ear!  The ice rink played this song a lot.  (Shah la la la, shing a ling a ling, whoa oh oh don't have any meaning, but people often sang those sounds in the 50s)

Do you have any memories with this song?  What songs make you think of certain times in the past?

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Everything I Do....

Can you find the word that's different between Brandy's version and Bryan Adam's?

What are some of the things you do every day?

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

What is he doing? (Video from class)

What is he doing?
Students in this class can take an ESL for work class in the afternoon for $50.  Sign up is September 19!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How can...

I like that this song repeats "can."  I can't respect this man's situation.  Can you give him good advice?

Because and so

We talked about "so" as a conjunction (connecting word) today because the word "so" was on the goal form.

People also use "so" (as an adverb) before an adjective (describing word) to make it really strong.  
He is so handsome = He is very handsome.
So = very is common for speaking, but you should use "very" when you are writing.
(Please use "so" for writing on this blog, so I can see that you can do it correctly!)

Some people say, "so" before they change topics when they are speaking.

So as a connecting word:

Examples: because or so? (from LearnEnglishfeelgood.com)

Quiz: because vs. so (from a4esl.org)

SO as an adverb that means VERY

Why are you taking English class?
      (example answer:  I'm taking English so I can get a better job.)

Write about something you like.  Why do you like it?
      (example answer:  I like coffee because it tastes delicious and it gives me energy.)

Write about something that makes you SO happy!
      (My daughter makes me so happy because she is friendly, helpful, creative, and works hard.)

Friday, September 13, 2019

What do you want to talk about in this class?

dreamin'=dreaming 'bout=about  goin'=going  knowin'=knowing

Tell me a story about why you want to take English class.  What do you want to talk about?

Friday, August 2, 2019

See you in September

What are you going to do in August?

I hope I'll see you soon

If I don't see you soon, I still want to hear from you.  Every once in a while, please write a comment on the blog.

What are you doing?  What are you planning?

Thursday, August 1, 2019

High Hopes

What did you hope for in the USA?  What do you hope for now?

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Time Clauses

What do you do after you go to class?  What do you do before you drive?

Monday, July 15, 2019

Where do you want to travel to?

Where do you dream of traveling to?  (on vacation, not home...)  Why?  Did you go there before?  Do you have plans to go?

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Tell me about a time when you fell in love...

Some of you told me about falling in love and getting engaged today.  Please write about it now.

Monday, July 8, 2019

We found love right where we are!

Practice was-were with Kahoot!

Do you know any old people that are  very happy with their spouses?  Describe them.  What do they do to stay happy together?

Where were you when you first fell in love? (Or when you fell in love with the person you are with now...)  Write about it!

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

I was here!

Write about something that makes you feel happy when you remember you did it.


Write about some things you want to do while you are here

Fire on Fire

What do you love to do?  What are you passionate about?  Do you know any people that really stand out from the crowd because they love doing something well?  Describe someone like that -- maybe you in the future.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Come Back!!

Where are you going to go this summer?  Where are the best places to visit?

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Wake Me Up!

What time did you wake up this morning?  What time do you wake up every day? 

Do you have plans to travel this summer?  Where are you going to go?

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


A shack is a small house in very bad condition. 

Would you enjoy staying in a shack on the beach in the summer?  Would you enjoy camping during the winter?

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Spelling CVC words

BUT ONLY WITH CVC (consonant-1 vowel-1 consonant) WORDS!!

One of the hardest things about comparatives is remembering when to double the consonant at the end of the original adjective before adding -er.

  • Never double x or w.  
  • We usually double the last consonant of CVC words--One-syllable words that end with one vowel then one consonant. 
  •  If there are two vowels or two consonants, don't double.  (heater, harder)
  • The vowel in a CVC word is usually "short."  It doesn't say its name.  It sounds like you were punched in the stomach.
The grammar word for any letters added to the end of a word is suffix.  ER, ED, ING, and EST are common suffixes.  CVC words double their last consonant for all of these endings.

Tap -- tapping  Pet- petted  big--bigger  pin-pinned  pin-pinning  hop--hopped  trotter

Silly Children's Videos to help you remember:   (If you like children's materials.)

What CVC words do you use?

My Love is....

Can you use as -------- as or a comparative to describe an emotion or a friend or a member of your family?

What Makes You Happy?

Are you usually happy?  What habits make you happier?  What events made you happier in the past?

Like I do...

Practice Relative Pronouns

Do you think the singer is conceited?  Describe someone that you love.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Happy Flag Day!!

The U.S. National Anthem has many old words in poetic language.

The meaning is:
 Look!  There's the flag!  
Last night we were proud to honor it!
We watched it in the dangerous battle, and it looked handsome.
You can see it moving because the sun is coming up and there are many explosions!
The battle's explosions made it possible to see the flag in the fort all night last night.

Is the star spangled banner still a flag for people who are free and courageous?

twilight- outdoor lighting between sunset and total darkness
gleaming-shining-light glowing
o'er= over
ramparts- a wall that people made for defense

Write about the flag or national anthem of your native country.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Comparing things

Adjectives that compare 2 things

1 syllable -  add ER  (short -- shorter, tall--taller)
1 syllable that was spelled with 1 consonant -- 1 vowel -- 1 consonant-- repeat the last consonant to keep the short (not the name) vowel sound -- add ER  (big-bigger, thin--thinner)
2 syllables that end in ow or le  add ER (yellow-yellower, little--littler)
2 syllables that end in Y -- change the Y to I and add ER  (pretty--prettier, happy-happier)
Other 2 syllables act like
3 or more syllables:  Use the word more before the adjective.  (more modern, more beautiful, more interesting)

Rules and Examples in a slideshow


Comparative and Superlative

Reading Advertisements

Abbreviation Flashcards on Quizlet

Abbreviation Quiz

Monday, June 10, 2019

Say Something

I love the tune and the pace of "Say Something" for my students, but I don't like "I'm giving up."
Give up means "quit."  I never give up on my students, and my students always learn a lot when they don't give up.

Practice Indefinite Pronouns: Words like something, anything, someone, anyone, somewhere, anywhere, everyone

Good English:  I won't ever give up.  I'll never give up.  NO: won't never

When you find a way home, I hope it's a happy place in Virginia.

Write about a time you wanted to give up, but you didn't.  Now, you are happy because you didn't give up.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Happy Challenging Friday!!

"Learn to Fly" Video Practice

It's difficult to find easy practice for only the indefinite pronouns in Ventures 2,

Anyone=anybody -- one person, it's not important who
Someone=somebody -- one specific person I am not naming
Anywhere -- any location -- one place-- it's not important where
Somewhere -- one specific place that I am not naming 

Use any_____ for questions

Everyone=everybody -- Each person in the one group -- no exceptions (All the people in the group)
No one --Zero people in the group -- no exceptions
Everywhere -- In every location (in all the locations)
Nowhere -- In zero locations

Describe somebody that you used to know...(hopefully nicer than this singer)

Where will you go?

Directions to the Art Museum

Directions -- Red 1 Unit 5 Around Town

More Practice with Prepositions and Directions

Challenging Videos: Prepare for the behind the wheel test

Do you plan to travel soon?  Where will you go?

Directions-- starting from the beginning

Cartoon Listening Quiz -- Directions

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Happy Ramadan!!

Did you celebrate Eid last night?  What did you do?

Friday, May 31, 2019


Listening-- Where are you from?

Practice was-were

What were your favorite clothes when you were eight years old?  When I was eight, I liked my red shorts and a striped top.  I liked my long blue dress.  I also liked my puffy blue coat when I went outside in the snow.

Participle Adjectives with ed or ing

We often used ____ed adjectives to say what we are feeling.  
bored, tired, amused, interested, depressed, excited

We often use ____ing adjectives to describe the cause of our feelings.
boring, tiring,amusing, interesting, depressing, exciting

Describe things that make you bored, tired, amused, or excited...

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Perhaps means Maybe

Write about a loving memory that makes you happy when you think about it.  Perhaps it was wonderful when you met your spouse or a good friend.  Perhaps it is good to think about your parents or your aunt or your uncle or your silly cousin.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Don't Forget!!

Write a description of a place or a person you don't ever want to forget because thinking about it makes you happy.

The Cat's in the Cradle

The chorus doesn't really mean anything, but it "Cat's in the Cradle," "Silver Spoon," and the "Man on the Moon" are all popular songs or activities we do with small children.

A child "with a silver spoon" is a child with a rich Daddy.  In the USA, most rich daddies are busy daddies.

"The cat's in the cradle" is a string game that we used to play before computers and cell phones were fun.  Do (Did) children play it in your country too?

"Nonsense" doesn't make any sense even for excellent English speakers
Many times children enjoy saying silly things.

Do you have children?  How are they similar to you and your spouse?  
How are you similar to your parents?

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Dancing with a Stranger (Warning: very immodest/sexy clothing)

You made me do == you caused my action

What are you doing tonight?  What makes you feel better when you get lonely?

What is she like?

Use the verb "to be" + like to describe an interesting woman that you know well

Mr. Jones

Describe a beautiful woman that you know.  Describe a future you that you sometimes dream you will be.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Routine vs. right now!

Simple present  vs. present continuous!  (Present progressive is another name for present continuous!)

What are you doing right now?  What do you usually do on weekdays?

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Present Continuous

Present continuous and Present progressive are the same verb tense.  Use it NOW.  Use it when the action is in progress and will continue after you speak.  Use it NOW when you are NOT finished.  I am typing.  You are reading.  He is not typing.  They are not working.

Long video with good examples:

What are you doing today?  Are you doing anything that you don't usually do?


Is it easy for you to make decisions?  Did you ever date someone that didn't want to make a commitment?  (My college roommate dated a man for eight years, but he didn't want to get married, so they never got married.)

What are you listening to?

What are your favorite songs in English? 

Monday, May 13, 2019

Doris Day

Doris Day died today.  I often use her lyrics videos because she often sings slowly with good grammar.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Somebody's Hero

My mother is not like a mother on TV.  She doesn't like to cook or clean or invite people over.       She likes to look for pennies in a shopping mall floor or shells on a beach.

Describe your mother.  Is she a hero?  How are you similar to her?  How are you not?

Did you celebrate mother's day?  What did you do?

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

New App

Today we tried a new app from learning upgrade.  You can get it from the app store or the google play store.  You can also get it on a computer from www.learningupgrade.com.  The company is giving it to our students free this summer, but we need to tell them if it is good and if it has problems.  If many of our students use the app three or more times every week, the school can get a prize from the company.  The app has English and math and can help people prepare for the GED.  The code to get it without spending $ -- only for students in our program and their families -- is 3366133.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Grammar Practice

We practiced a lot today.  Here's extra practice for it!

Use was for 1, were for 2+, and always were for you 1 or 2+  


Use be __________ing for NOW

Stative verbs like want, need and like do not use present continuous.  When have means possess, NO having.  When have means experience or eat, have is normal and you say, "I'm having" for right now.


Use must/have to/must not/don't have to to write about obligations

Monday, April 29, 2019

It's up to you

"It's up to you" means that something can happen, but only if you make the choice and do the work.

Do you think your choices are important?

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Happy Haiku Day

In the USA, children often have to write haiku poems.  We learn that haiku are a Japanese style of poetry.  The poems must have three lines.  The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables.  Did you ever write a haiku poem?

Monday, April 8, 2019

What do you like to talk about?

What do you like to talk about?  Is there anything you don't like to talk about?  Tell me about yourself.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Favorite Song

Do you have a favorite song in English?

Do you like to listen to music?  When do you usually listen to music.  What songs do you like?

Classes Start Monday!

I'm going to be teaching Low Intermediate Classes at Plum Center in the mornings!

This song has some grammar errors.  Can you find them?

Are you ready to go back to school?  Did you like school when you were a child?  What was your favorite subject?  What was your favorite activity?

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Let's go!

This next video seems full of vocabulary that I don't know.  
The strange words are names of beaches that are good for surfing.

Let's have fun!  What are you going to do after this class ends?


What helps you improve your listening?  What are the most useful things we do to improve English?

Happy Storytelling Day!!

Write me a story about your childhood, and also your favorite fairy tale!

Let's Get LOUD!

Gotta ______(base verb) is an informal way to express "have got to ______(base verb) 
which means must ____ or have to _____.
Ain't nobody is an informal way to say, "there isn't anybody that"

What do you have to do this weekend?  What do you want to do?

Friday, March 15, 2019

The Ides of March

Do you know any dates that superstitious people don't like?

Thursday, March 14, 2019

White Day!

On Valentine's Day in Korea, women give men gifts.  On White Day, men return the favors!!

I found these instructions on the internet.  Are they true?

What are great gifts for men?  What are great gifts for women?

Happy Pi Day!

I don't see the song my family usually sings on Pi day.  We use the tune of "This Old Man" and sing, 

"Number Pi, Number Pi -- 
It's irrational and so am I---
with a 3.1415926---
Pi Day is for lunatics"

(Irrational means crazy.  Irrational is also the name for a number that isn't an exact ratio.)

We've been eating Pie every March 14th since 1997 
when my daughter's 6th grade math teacher introduced Pi Day as an idea.

Did you eat pie on Pi Day?  Do you like math?  Do your children like math?

Friday, March 8, 2019

The Yellow Rose of Texas

Today, Kyanghwa told us that women in Korea are wearing yellow roses that symbolize gender equality and hope for the future.  Immediately, this old American Song from the civil war (1850s) started playing in my head.  This song has some comparative and superlatives in it!!  Sometimes beats means hits, but here it means "wins" or "is better than."

What is your favorite flower?  Why is it your favorite?  Did you ever give it as a gift?  Did you ever get it as a gift.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

All By Myself

Saule is a Dimash fan!  She suggested this song!
Please let me know if the Chinese is not good.  I can't read it!!

When I was young, I was very proud when I could do something all by myself.  I'm still sometimes happy when I do something difficult or unusual.  What can you do all by yourself?

Computer Class

Listening -- Scroll down and fill in the blanks. "Take me to the Mardi Gras"

Sentence Monkey Comparatives

Comparative Game

zoo animal game