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Monday, February 11, 2019

Computer Class

1.  Work Survey

3. Was or Were?

4. Simple Past Explanation and Practice

5. Guess and Check-- Do or Make :  Many Do vs. Make Expressions on Quizlet

6. Irregular Verb Practice

7. Car Exercises

2.  What's your name?  Where are you from?  Where were you born?  Were you a quiet kid or a rowdy kid?  Tell me a story from your childhood.


  1. My name is Fatima.
    I'm from Angola.
    I was a quiet kid.

    1. I was quiet too. I loved to read, so I read a lot.

  2. My name is kang. I'm from korea. I was born in Nam Hae island which is located southern part of Korea. I was a shy and quiet child. But I liked play with friends. Especially I enjoyed playing a soccer with them.

    1. I liked to play soccer when I was in the fifth grade, but I don't enjoy playing now. Do you like to watch soccer on TV? Do you still play soccer?

  3. my name is Quy. I am from Vietnam
    I was born Vietnam,I was not a quiet kid or rowdy kid
    My childhood was happy,nice ,there is always enough familly members

  4. My name is Flavia, I from Bolivia. I was born in Santa Cruz. I was a quiet kid. I had many friends for playing, going to school in the morning and I was doing my homework in the afternoon. In the weekend I going the party with my friends and we went for walk with my family.

    1. How often do you have parties now? Do you like to make food for parties?

  5. My name is Gabriel, I from Bolivia, I am born to Cochabamba, i think all a tousled child.
    In my country is more different, tha law not control much, then there in more

  6. My name is Federica. I'm from Italy. I was born in Rome, Italy. I'm a quiet girl, but anytime I am also rowdy. I grow up in Rome with by big family formed by my mother, my father, my father in low, my sister and my two brother.

    1. Were you the oldest or the youngest or in the middle?

  7. My name is Deborah. I am from Venezuela. I was born in Caracas Venezuela. I was quiet.I went good student and I had many friends.I had fun, we made parties.
    I game with her sister , we did a lot of innocent pranks.I had a beautiful childhood.Thanks to my parents.

    1. It's wonderful to have good parents. I had good parents too.

  8. My name is Selma.I am from Turkey.I was born in Ankara.Ankara is the capitol city of Turkey.I have one brothers,two sisters.When I was a baby,I used to cry.My mother had very hard time.I was very thin and short.I was the youngest of the class.I didn't grow too tall.We used to play outside until late summer.No cell phone,no television.We used to with our friends all together.We were lucky because children not playing game now.My father didn't go to school so he wanted all of us read.My sister and I finished the University.My sister was a maths teacher.I was landscape architect.I was a hardworking student.I love studying still.

  9. My Name is Keiry , I was Born in El Salvador ,I was quiet kid . Tell Me My story is Is was a quiet kid , I was a good study , I was a good sister with my brothers. I like softball.

    1. I was quiet too. I wasn't good at softball, but my friends were. I liked to go to the games and cheer them on.

  10. My name is Gohina. I'm from Yemen. I am twenty-two years old. I study English. I was born in Sanaa. I was a quiet kid.My childhood story is full of love and tenderness and adventures.I lived with my family. I had a lot of friends. My mother was told us stories of princesses.


    1. When my children were small, they loved princesses too!

  11. My name is Saule. I'm from Kazakhstan. It is a large country. I was born in Almatu. I have two daughters. My older daughter is Dana. She is forty-five. My second daughter is Aliya. She is forty-four. I have seven grandchildren. Two of them are students. Many people know about Dimash. He's a famous singer. He's the best singer in the world. Now, I am a student. I am learning English because it's very necessary for me. It helps me to have many friends here.

    1. Saule, you are a great student. I love your writing.

  12. My name is Rabia.
    I am from Turkey. I born in Giresun.I was a quit kid, I didn't a rowdy kid.
    My village on the mountain. We were nine siblings. Winter time we were go to school, summer time we were help my family. My Father had a huge hazelnut garden,we had three thousand kilo hazelnut every years. My father has a wery good plan, he was a very smart.If we are good student winter time, summer time good and easy,job but if we are not good student winter summer wery hard time we were happy. I miss so much for childhood.

    1. Was it difficult to harvest hazelnuts? Did you use them a lot? What did you make?

  13. I like the class today, thanks. Deborah

    1. You did a really good job. I love to see you helping other people now!!
