Welcome to ESOL Study!

Using English is the best way to improve your English! Please sing with the songs and write comments.

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If you are using a phone, you need to scroll down and press "view web version" to find links to the vocabulary and grammar exercises.

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Click on the picture of the book to find the link to class vocabulary!

If you want me to explain any English topic to you on here, please comment or text to tell me.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Move your clock one hour forward!

Chatty teacher challenge....

EL Civics-

Don't Cry Over Prom Dress Prices (if you have a daughter that needs a prom dress, go to Centreville HS this weekend)

For many young people in the USA, high school prom is the only formal dance they ever attend. 

Used dresses are much cheaper than new dresses, and they are often very beautiful.  

You may also find a good free dress at Centreville High School tomorrow or next weekend.

Kids that are willing to make and wear duct tape clothes can win the
Stuck-at-Prom Scholarship -- Grand Prize winners get $15,000, runner ups $1,000.
My daughter entered it (I bought $60 of duct tape), but she didn't win anything.  
My children already went to prom, 
but I still click the link to see all the duct tape dresses.

Did you go to a formal dance in High School?  

Did your child go to prom? 

Would you let your child go to prom?

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Happy Grammar Day!


Grammar is something to try to remember and use. Practice making  and speaking many, many examples.

These links go to the grammar for Low Intermediate.  Please tell me if a link doesn’t work.


Parts of Speech -- http://easyesolgrammar.blogspot.com/2014/02/parts-of-speech.html

Present Continuous (also called present progressive) --http://easyesolgrammar.blogspot.com/2014/10/present-continuouspresent-progressive.html

Simple Present


Simple Past


Memorize and Practice Using Irregular Verbs

Future with will


Future with going to






Prepositions of time


Pronouns (short substitute for a noun)

subject and  object pronouns

When to use her vs. hers

Use Indefinite Pronouns:  someone vs. anyone, everyone, no one

Comparing 2 things (comparative) or 3+ things (superlative)


Adjective Order http://easyesolgrammar.blogspot.com/2014/02/order-of-adjectives.html

(Adjective order is usually taught at a high advanced level, but our book introduces the basics of it.  Some of the exercises are HARD!)

Monday, March 3, 2025

But you NEVER... (Practice routines and "how often...")

Quiz: Click on the words to put them in the sentence in the correct order. Make a mistake? Click in the box to start over.

What do you always do?  What do you never do?  What do you rarely do?

Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras Webquest

Gap Fill "Take me to the Mardi Gras" --- 

Lyric Video-- Mardi Gras Mambo

Do you like parades?  Did you ever go to a Carnival or Mardi Gras Celebration?  
(Please write about it!)  Do you ever eat pancakes on "Fat Tuesday?"  Are you going to a pancake supper tonight?

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Battle of Adwa

Ethiopia is the only African country to never be colonized by Europe
because they won the battle of Adwa when they beat Italy.
It's now a holiday - celebrated this year on March 2.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Happy Compliment Day!

 I like the second formula (for men) better than "OMG."  It's good for women too.

Please don't say, "I like the way that you smell" if the person is not wearing perfume, cologne or a scented lotion.  It's not okay in my culture unless you have been romantically involved for a while.  Complimenting eyes or a smile is also romantic.

What's the best compliment that you ever heard?  Do people often compliment each other in other countries?  Yes?  Which country?  No?  Why?