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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Happy Grammar Day!


Grammar is something to try to remember and use. Practice making  and speaking many, many examples.

These links go to the grammar for Low Intermediate.  Please tell me if a link doesn’t work.


Parts of Speech -- http://easyesolgrammar.blogspot.com/2014/02/parts-of-speech.html

Present Continuous (also called present progressive) --http://easyesolgrammar.blogspot.com/2014/10/present-continuouspresent-progressive.html

Simple Present


Simple Past


Memorize and Practice Using Irregular Verbs

Future with will


Future with going to






Prepositions of time


Pronouns (short substitute for a noun)

subject and  object pronouns

When to use her vs. hers

Use Indefinite Pronouns:  someone vs. anyone, everyone, no one

Comparing 2 things (comparative) or 3+ things (superlative)


Adjective Order http://easyesolgrammar.blogspot.com/2014/02/order-of-adjectives.html

(Adjective order is usually taught at a high advanced level, but our book introduces the basics of it.  Some of the exercises are HARD!)

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