What songs do you recommend for learning English?
What songs do you recommend for learning English?
I am researching the candidates before I go to vote.
In the past, I've recommended Vote 411 and League of Women's Voters -- I still respect the way they show voter information, but I think they are difficult for my students to navigate and read this year.
Ballotpedia may be easier to use than the Sample Ballot on the Fairfax County website that I showed you because it has links to candidate's websites. Ballotpedia probably collects your information. If the idea of sharing your address bothers you, put in the address of the closest elementary school.
I just saw this Washington Post article about the candidates for school board So far, it's the easiest to read information I have found. One detail that I find interesting is that two candidates that the Post says are "Republican endorsed" say that they are Independent on their own webpages.