Must is always must _____(base verb) Must doesn't change. It doesn't need an s with he, she, or it. Must not means something is prohibited. You must not _________ (base verb) is a strong way to say DO NOT _______(base verb) (You must not hurt my other students. She must not drink whiskey in our class.) In the US, we rarely use must in a question. We use have to or has to _____(base verb) instead.
Don't have to_______(base verb)/Doesn't have to ______(base verb) means something is no obligation. Do ____ or don't do ________= NO PROBLEM. It's your choice. (Example: You don't have to wear a blue shirt to class.)
Have becomes has with he she or it, but only in positive statements. Use have with does or doesn't. It's common to forget that you have to use "have" with "does" or "Do"
I have to study./I don't have to study./ What do I have to study?
He has to study./He doesn't have to study.? What does he have to study?
Have to acts just like have in simple present. Here's some practice.
What do you have to do? What are some things you must not do? What are some things you don't have to do?
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