Did you celebrate earth day today? What did you do?
When I was in elementary school in Colorado, we often planted trees and picked up litter on Earth Day.
What is litter? Trash on the ground.
Do you have a garden? Even when I lived in a small apartment, I had plants on the balcony. My family always grows some plants. Do you like to talk about saving the earth? Is pollution a bigger or smaller problem in your old country or in the USA? Do you have a big or a small carbon footprint?
Do you have a garden? Even when I lived in a small apartment, I had plants on the balcony. My family always grows some plants. Do you like to talk about saving the earth? Is pollution a bigger or smaller problem in your old country or in the USA? Do you have a big or a small carbon footprint?
(VERY difficult English website: Carbon Footprint Calculator)
I really did not know there was a special day to raise awareness about the damage we do to our land if I knew that you have to recycle and reused, in my home I have space to make a garden , but I really just plant some vegetables, not flowers because my children destroy them maybe later that they grow more we can do it together