Welcome to ESOL Study!

Using English is the best way to improve your English! Please sing with the songs and write comments.

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Click on the picture of the book to find the link to class vocabulary!

If you want me to explain any English topic to you on here, please comment or text to tell me.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

I dreamed a dream...

I dreamed a dream...

Lyric Video of I dreamed a dream  (Can you find which 4 words are different?)

In these videos, people declared their dreams -- their unreasonably difficult goals -- and they worked hard to achieve them.  What are your dreams?

Cool Change...

This song is to celebrate the cooler weather and to give my introverted students a theme song.
(Thanks for talking about guests last class!)

Have you ever gone sailing?  Do you like to be alone?

 I love getting to know you, but I also like reading books or working on this blog when I'm home by myself.

 Please describe a time when you felt happy while you were alone.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Have you ever...

(wished is not spelled with an h)

We've seen a lot of rain today!  How many rainbows have you seen this year?  Where were you?  What were you doing when you saw one?

Have you ever gone to Virginia Beach?  When?  What did you do?

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Surfer Dad

Have you ever gone surfing?  Do you like to go to the beach?  What is your favorite beach?  
What do you think is important for health?

What do you always do every day?

We use simple present tense when we talk about every day, when we use frequency adverbs, and when we use non-action (stative) verbs.

(Grammar Teacher Notes for this next video:  When you write, put a space between every and day unless it's an adjective right before a noun.  Also don't put an a between is and getting.)

Tell me about yourself and your routines.  What do you do every day?  Can you tell me about changing a routine so that it worked better?

What makes you feel young and happy?  What makes you feel comfortable?  What makes you feel free?

Remember High School?

Did you enjoy high school?  What was your schedule?  Did you have a favorite teacher?  Did you play any sports?  Did you do any clubs?  Write about your school.

Computer Class

1.  Set up a google drive account
2. Write an email to me at Pimteacherlaurie@gmail.com
--Parents:  Pretend I am your child's teacher.  Write to me as Ms. Scheible and tell me why your child can't come to school.
--Single students:  Pretend I am your college professor.  Write to me as Ms. Scheible and ask for an extension on a deadline.

In the USA, school is compulsory.  Your child can only be absent for illness, doctor's appointments, or the death of a close family member.  They cannot stay home because they didn't finish their homework or because they are afraid of bullies.

Many colleges and high schools have official policies that encourage students to change deadlines if there is too much to finish in one day.  (No one should have three exams and two research papers due on the same day, but it happens.)  Deadlines can only be changed if you ask for the change before the deadline, and many professors don't like to comply with the policy.

3. Practice vocabulary spelling  (Sidelink: Vocabulary-->summer vocabulary--> spelling)
4. Lyric game  (Bottom of reading/listening list)

Monday, July 24, 2017



Do you know anyone who is homeschooled or homeschooling?  Do you think it's a good idea?  If you homeschooled, would you want to unschool, school-at-home, or use a co-op?  Would you travel a lot?

Three Cups of Tea

Do you believe that three cups of tea can make you family?  Do building relationships and schools really lead to peace?  How else can people promote peace?

Friday, July 21, 2017

Gift to be Simple

Tis the Gift to Be Simple

The first video says "tis the gift," but this one says "tis a gift to be simple. "
The gift is the gift you already know about.  A gift is one of many.

What should a simple life look like?  Do you want your life to be simple?

Thursday, July 20, 2017

You've got personality

Practice Additional Vocabulary to Describe Personality

What traits do you value most in your friends?

Organ Donation

Organs that can be donated after death are the heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, pancreas and small intestines. Tissues include corneasskinveinsheart valvestendons,ligaments and bones.

The approximate maximum time for the following organs/tissues is: Lung (4-6 hours); Heart (4-6 hours); Liver (24 hours); Pancreas (24 hours); Kidney (72 hours); Corneas (14 days); Bone (5 years); Skin (5 years); Heart valves (10 years).

The lady in our story is not the only non-family living kidney donor in the USA...

According to Google, head transplants on monkeys were done in the 70's, 
and a human one is planned.  The one we were talking about today may happen in China.

What do you think about organ donation?  What did you think of the reading today?

Love that Body

Vocabulary: inside the body
Practice Vocabulary about internal organs
More Practice Vocabulary about internal organs
(Warning:  This is a sexier video -- in meaning (not pictures) -- than I usually put on here.)

What is your best physical trait?  
(I like my eyes.  My daughter likes her long wavy hair.  My son likes his muscular arms...)

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

You've got a friend

What is the difference between here and hear?

Describe one of your friends.  What is important to do to be a good friend?


Do you like to help people?  How?

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

What makes you smile?

What makes you happy?

Riding on a donkey

In the story we read, Jackie Mitchell quit baseball when her exhibition games got uncomfortable for her.  In her last game, she had to throw the ball while sitting on a donkey.  This isn't an expression.  She was really riding a donkey, just like the lady in the next video.

Have you ever ridden a donkey?  Have you ever ridden an elephant?  Have you ever ridden a horse?  Write about it.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Hall of Fame

"Gonna" is not an English word although you often see it written in texts and in lyrics.
 "Gonna" is how we pronounce "going to" when we use "going to" to show future tense.

Hall of Fame for baseball players in Cooperstown, NY

The Hall of Fame shows  information about the best baseball players ever in the USA.  Both Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig are in the Hall of Fame.

  • Write about a time that you or a team that you liked won.
  • Do you want to be famous for being excellent at something?  What?  
  • Who do you admire because they are excellent?

Jackie Mitchell (Listening Practice)

(Long video of Babe Ruth teaching kids how to hit like a "swing hitter."

Did you like this story?  Can you write about a person who did something amazing?

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Take me Out to the Baseball Game

Potomac Nationals Schedule (minor league baseball in Woodbridge)

Washington Nationals ("the Nats") Schedule  (Major League -- Washington DC team)

Foghorn Leghorn teaches baseball (Old silly stereotypes of an uneducated southerner teaching a nerdy child baseball)
A fast-but-repetitive song...

(Once upon a time, this program included children's baseball tickets in the prize coupon booklet.)

Do you like to play baseball?  Do your children?  Do you ever watch baseball?  Write about going to a baseball game...

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Do you want to be a bus driver?

Do you want to work as a bus driver for FCPS?

Do you like to drive?  Did you take a bus to school when you were young?  Where have you gone on field trips?

In my room

Language Guide: Bedroom vocabulary                Language Guide: Vocabulary "Indoors"

Learning Chocolate: bedroom vocabulary      Learning Chocolate: Your bedroom

What's your favorite place in your home?

My favorite place is the sofa by the big window in the living room.


http://www.history.com/topics/joseph-stalin/videos  (We watched "fast facts" about Stalin)

Can anyone translate the Ukrainian part of this song for me?  This song was written to remember the deaths in 1944,

Today's story talked about an amazing coincidence -- Boris and Anna visited the same house at the same time on the same day sixty years after they lived there.  Have you ever had an amazing coincidence in your life?  Please write about it!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Love and Marriage

(gimme = give me)

Are you married?  (If yes--) How did you meet your spouse?  What did you wear for your wedding?
What do you need to do to have a great marriage?
(If no-) Do you want to get married?  (If yes__)  What do you want your future spouse to be like?  Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?  (if no...)  What do you like about being single?

Ain't No Sunshine

"Ain't no" is not educated English, but it's common in street English.  It means "there isn't any..."

What is your favorite weather?  What makes you sad?

Love you More than Words Can Say...

Describe someone that you love.

Do you enjoy being pretty?

This video was filmed back when "gay" only meant "happy." 
Now, it usually means homosexual.

In the first video, Maria loves feeling pretty.  In the second, Miss 3rd Ward is angry at a society that values prettiness too much.  Which attitude do you like better?  Is it good to be pretty?  Do you know anybody that does crazy things to look good?

What do you wear when you want to feel handsome or pretty?  Do you think people spend too much time worrying about their appearance?  Can you give me tips on how to be pretty?

Tuesday, July 4, 2017


In "Sound of Music," a small white flower named Edelweiss is a symbol for Austria.  The Virginia
State Flower is a Dogwood.

(photo credit:  http://www.ForestWander.com [CC BY-SA 3.0 us (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/deed.en)], via Wikimedia Commons

Some people convey messages when they give flowers. 

What are your favorite flowers?  What do they look like?  Do they have meaning for you?

Ok. the schedule changed again....

Olanike is going to teach Plum Intermediate in the evening, not me.  I'm sure she'll do an excellent job, but I'm sad I won't see my continuing evening students!