Practice comparative and superlative
Can you describe your best friend? or
Describe the best day you ever had... or
Describe the best thing you've ever bought.
Friday, May 31 is the LAST DAY for current students to register for Summer Classes.
I plan to teach. We will probably focus on directions, travel, and getting jobs. If the majority of students in the Summer class already took class this spring, we will have more opportunities to have conversations.
What are you going to do this summer?
.Listening ESL Lab-Picnic Preparations
When we want to say a strong "good" to compare things, we use better. This website is better than that one. I like chocolate better than vanilla. Vegetables are better for you (healthier) than pork.
You better _______ (verb) is common to hear, but it is not good formal English. It's supposed to be you had better, but the had is often 'd and that 'd often disappears. You'd better is a threatening way to say you must. If you don't do something you'd better do, there will be consequences.
What had we better do?
Is it a good idea or a bad idea to date many people before you get engaged? Do you agree with this mother? Why?
Did you ever fix anything? What?
Are you a mechanic?
Do you have a good mechanic?
Do you have a car? How do you get around? Can you fix a car? Do you do maintenance on your car? What do you do? If you have a car and you don't work on it, who takes care of it?