Welcome to ESOL Study!

Using English is the best way to improve your English! Please sing with the songs and write comments.

Please suggest songs and topics you like.

If you are using a phone, you need to scroll down and press "view web version" to find links to the vocabulary and grammar exercises.

If your phone translates this blog, please set your phone to use English. The instructions are here.

Click on the picture of the book to find the link to class vocabulary!

If you want me to explain any English topic to you on here, please comment or text to tell me.

Saturday, December 31, 2022

High Hopes

(Make a killing = earn a lot of money)

I have high hopes for our next class!!  Do you?  
Tell me about something you hope for.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Happy Hannukah

Do you celebrate Hannukah?  What do you do?

חנוכה commemorates the re-dedication of the holy temple in Jerusalem.  In the US, Jewish people get together, light candles, and give gifts for eight days.  In the USA, Hannukah is a big holiday, partly because it gets commercialized in a similar way to Christmas.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Party Today

 Please come!  Please speak English as much as you can!

If you want to bring food, please bring food!

Please don't bring your children or alcoholic drinks or pork-based dishes.

Friday, December 2, 2022


 There's nothing like finding a sad song when you already feel sad.  I promised Yoon Jung I'd put up a BTS song, so here it is.  I'm going to miss you.

Mood is usually your emotional tone.  My teenager says, "mood" when she relates to someone else's expressed emotion.

What are the best slow songs in English?  Are they depressing?  Are they fun?  Are they romantic?

Monday, November 28, 2022

Lullabies and baby vocabulary

 What calms you down when you are angry or stressed?  How do you calm down babies?

Language Guide: baby vocabulary

Language Guide: toys and playground equipment

Learning Chocolate: baby equipment (although a CRADLE rocks. A crib is a baby bed that doesn't move.)


Brahms is really common here for baby toys, but I suspect that most of us don't know the words.

I often sang this next one -- just the first verse.  I learned it as "see" rather than "have."

I don't know anyone personally who sang the next one, 
but I think most people here know at least some of it.  

My mother sang this next song as a lullaby for me.  Instead of a ring with no end, it was a story with no end because it was the "story of our love."  The movie "Animal House" showed me that many people
don't like it the way that I did.

I think every child in the USA learns this next lullaby.  I have NO idea how it became popular.

The next lullaby is Christian-flavored, although my friend who always sang it isn't christian.

Do you sing lullabies?  What do you like to sing?

Are you shopping today?


Where did you go shopping?  Did you find any good deals?

Friday, November 18, 2022


 Now that your English is getting much better, what do you want to talk about?

Monday, November 14, 2022

Freeeeeeeeee to be sad

I want you to say, "It doesn't cost much" rather than "It don't..."

Monday, November 7, 2022


A syllable is a part of a word with one vowel sound.  

The number of sounds is more important than the number of vowels.
A silent e is never a syllable.
Ed is always a syllable even if we don't pronounce it as another syllable.
(We only pronounce "ed" like another syllable after a last letter = T or D)

If you understand which syllable is stronger, your pronunciation will be better.

Do you do anything to get stronger?  What do you do? I lift weights twice a week, but I'm still not very strong.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

You don't have to...


What did you have to do yesterday?  What do you have to do tomorrow?  Is there anything you used to do that you don't have to do anymore?

"Don't have to" is NOT "must not"

Note:  We rarely use "mustn't" in US English.  Spell out the not.

Please write about two things you must not do and two things you don't have to do.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Be careful:  "She don't" is not correct formal English.  Even though you will hear native speakers use it, you should use "she doesn't.

What makes a person beautiful?

Thursday, October 13, 2022

You're Going to Make it After All

make it= be a success   gonna=going to (similar to "will," "going to" indicates future tense)

When I was a child, this show was my mother's favorite.  We watched it every week.

What do you want to be successful at?  What do you do to make it happen?

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Check the Car

I never say "brights" or "dims."  I say high beams and low beams.  Other than that, I like the following video.

Car Parts--(Language Guide. org)

Quizlet Car Parts

 ESL Fast Dialog

Challenge Video (fast talking with good visuals) Basic Car Maintenance

I won't give up on us

Tell me about a time you persisted and it was good.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Set up your Ellii.com class account


  1. Go to: ellii.com/students
  2. Click the "Create an Account" link at the top of the page.
  3. Follow the prompts to set up an account.
  4. Enter the invitation code.  Invitation Code: B7PJ8N


 Today's date is 10-4-22.  10-4 means "I understand" or "okay" on the CB radios that truckers used to communicate on the road before they had cell phones.

Did you ever drive a truck?  Was it fun?  Write about something that you understand now.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Friday, September 30, 2022


 Formal grammar practice:  Future with will  Future with going to, and Present Continuous

How did you meet your best friend?  Was it easy to say, "Hello?"

Monday, September 26, 2022

What do you want?


What do you think his ex-girlfriend wants?  This song is a good way to practice, "What do you want?" "What would you like?" is a more polite way to ask the question.

What would you like to learn after you finish learning English?

Dogs in the Yard

 Please tell me if the Spanish is incorrect...

What do you do when you want to have fun?

Friday, September 23, 2022

Worksheet Answers

 Today, we did a speaking exercise to practice "Will be able to ___(base verb)" is a formal way to talk about can in the future.  You can also use "Can _____(base verb)"

Worksheet Written Answers

More Practice with will

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Bad Habits


Name three of your good habits, and one bad habit

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Monday, September 19, 2022



I am delighted that you are taking my class this season!

What is your favorite season?  Why?  What do you usually do during that season?


 I've never heard this class favorite before.  I love the chill vibe. (Chill vibe-gives a calm feeling)

What are good ways to improve a relationship when you can't spend much time together?

Live in Life

 Knowing English does NOT help me understand this catchy class favorite.

I enjoy some of the phrases.

May you always live in life

Write about a time that you took a car trip.  Where did you go?  Who were you with?

What did you do?

Amazing Grace

 This student favorite is a traditional Christian hymn (old song for church)  It's one of the most popular hymns in the USA.

Write about an amazing experience.  What makes you very happy?


 This student favorite is very popular in the United States

When you imagine a good future, what does it look like?  Where are you?  What are you doing?



Making lots of mistakes is the best way to learn English fast. Be kind to yourself.  Mistakes are normal.

Write about a mistake or a sad time that you feel grateful about.

Nice to Meet You!! (For some of you...again!!)

Describe someone you met today!

Do you like to dance?  Do you like to sing?  This song is fast, but try to sing it anyway!!

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Happy Talk-Like-a-pirate Day


Do you like adventure stories?  Do you like sea stories?  Write one!

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Tuesday, September 13, 2022



Do you like to look at the moon?  Are you eating moon cakes today?

Sunday, September 11, 2022

New York State of Mind


Did you ever go to New York City?  What did you do?  What did you see?

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!


Are you celebrating Korean Thanksgiving?  What are you doing?  What are you eating?

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Queen Elizabeth


Did you ever go to England?  If yes, did you like it?  Do you read the news about any royal family?  Who?

Read all about it


What is your favorite genre?  What are your favorite books?

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Fresh Air


Is Northern Virginia more polluted than other places you've lived? Do you think electric cars will help with air pollution? 

 Where do you go when you need to relax?  What helps you to relax?

Monday, September 5, 2022

My Best Friend

Write about your best friend.  What do you like to do?  How did you meet?

Monday, August 15, 2022

Yolanda's Song

 If you do Facebook, add my student Yolanda's Video to our songs with subtitles!  

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Join my online summer reading class! (No meetings -- read and answer questions)

 Please let me know if the assignments on this website are good for you!

  1. Go to: ellii.com/students
  2. Click the "Create an Account" link at the top of the page.
  3. Follow the prompts to set up an account.
  4. Enter the invitation code.


Friday, July 29, 2022

Night Shift

(You're not alone, not Your not alone)

What jobs have night shifts?  Does your job have shifts?  If yes, what shift do you work?

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

All I Am

I never feel that I am all one thing.  I am many things.  I am a wife.  I am a mother.  I am a daughter.  I am a teacher.  I am an American.  I am a little crazy and a little silly.  I am talkative.  I am trying to improve.

Optional Practice:  When should I use "a," "an," or "the?"

Tell me some things your are.  Write:  I am ____________.  Use articles (a/an) for nouns, but not for lone adjectives.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Try Everything


Write about a time you got a goal because you didn't give up.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Time to Shine!


Are you planning to watch fireworks tomorrow?

What do you enjoy?  When do you feel you are shining?

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Separate Ways


My first date ever was to a Journey Concert.  I loved the music and the light show.  I didn't like the crowds.  I didn't trust my date, but he got me home just fine. 

Write about a song and a memory that go together.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Home Sweet Home

 Steve recommended this song...

What can you do to make your home here feel like "home sweet home?"  What were the best things about your former home?

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Hope to see you soon!!

Do you want to practice grammar?


Please continue to use the blog!  Please comment to practice writing!  Please tell me how you are and what you are doing!.


Are you learning to drive?  Here are some resources for English and driving!

Taking the Behind-the-Wheel Test

During COVID -- The driver is quite slow.
Many people recommend using turn signals even in the parking lot for the driving test.

documentation=paper.  You should bring your  insurance card.  You shouldn't bring your cell phone.
Be sure  = make certain = be careful to do

turn signal:  Image result for picture turn signal = Image result for picture turn signal

Emergency flashers=hazard lights:  Image result for picture emergency flashers

I think this instructor has good advice and it's good for you to hear realistic american English.
I don't think you should take classes from 
anyone who only uses one hand to drive or who films selfies while driving!

The next video was made in Canada, but it has good advice for Virginia too!!

Quizlet Car Vocabulary (made by another teacher)

Practice Car Vocabulary with Learning Chocolate

Do you know how to drive?  If yes, when did you learn?  If no, how do you get to school?  

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Tell me about yourself.

Tell me about yourself.  Answer twice -- once for a new friend, and once for a job interview.
Even better, write a short answer and say it for me.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Understanding a paycheck

A paystub explains your paycheck.  Gross pay is all the money you earned.  Net pay is the money you actually get after they take taxes out.

 Income or wages shows money you earned.  (Added so the net pay is higher)

Deductions show money that comes out before you get paid.  (Subtracted so the net pay is lower.)

Do taxes come out of your paycheck before you get paid in your former country?  How often do you get paid?  

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

The Street Where You Live

Practice Prepositions:  https://wordwall.net/resource/558273

This picture is a Lilac

Describe your neighborhood and the street where you live!

Friday, May 27, 2022

Medicine (Just a spoonful of sugar!)

(Skip to :23)

Link to class activity:  Practice Health Vocabulary -- Prescriptions  (Bottom right-- Medicines)

Types of Medication

Prescription Label Vocabulary

Do you take any medicines?  Do they have side effects?  Do you take Vitamins?

Thursday, May 26, 2022

I should probably...

You shouldn't give up.  English is hard.  You'll get it if you keep practicing.  Students often don't learn as fast as they want, but the people who don't quit always get better.

What should I do if I have a headache?  What should my daughter do if she feels anxious?  What should your friend do if she wants to visit you?

 Reepworld Health Prescriptions

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Friday, May 20, 2022

That's What Makes You Beautiful


When you describe people or things, use the order # opinion, size, color, pattern

Write about a beautiful person in your life.

Make or DO

make or do

What are you doing tonight?  Did you make anything?  Are you going to make anything?

US Money

 A couple of students asked about names of coins today.  I like the explanation and practice on this YouTube video.

What do you use coins for?  

Do you believe it's good luck to pick up a penny?  If you find a penny, does it matter if it's heads or tails? 

 Did you ever buy something expensive using only coins?

Why? Because!


In this song long means want a LOT.  Don't use long this way in everyday speaking.  It's okay for poetry and writing.

We practiced a speaking drill today.  A few people found it difficult.  Here are the answers.  Speak them a few times.

How do you feel today?  Why?

Saturday, May 14, 2022



What makes you feel strong?  What do you need to do to master English?

I'm trying to...



wanna=want to

What are you trying to do today?

Thursday, May 12, 2022


(Challenge video because some of it is fast.  I hope you enjoy it.)  

Where are the best and worst places you stayed when you last (most recently) traveled?

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Pronouncing -ed


Which words are easy to say in past tense?  Which words are difficult?

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

What are you listening to?

 What are you doing?  What is your favorite kind of music?

Monday, May 2, 2022

Soccer Positions

 I briefly talked about soccer positions today, so I am looking for a video with the same information for the people who couldn't be in class today.  I think the names for soccer positions probably changed since I last played.  What I learned as "center" is "striker" on many videos.  Many videos call half-backs "wings."  Many videos distinguish full backs as the left or right back.

Do you like to play soccer?  Does your child play soccer?  Do you (or your child) usually play offense or defense?  

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Challenge Listening: A History of May Day

Before COVID, preschools and elementary schools in the USA taught children to dance with ribbons around a pole on May 1.  

Did you ever celebrate May Day?  What did you do?

Friday, April 22, 2022

Home Sweet Home


What makes a house your home?

A very long time ago, I had a student take my class because he failed the English exam needed to go to college in his country. The exam asked the difference between a house and a home.  He wrote an essay on the difference between a horse and a home.  Spelling matters. One letter sometimes makes a big difference.

If you love your home here in the USA, please give advice to the people who are making this new place their home.  

Describe some things you like about your home. 

Thursday, April 21, 2022

We are family...


Practice family vocabulary (with languageguide)

Practice family vocabulary 2 (with learning chocolate)

Do you have a big family?  Who works hard?  Who cooks?  Who likes to go outside?

(I grew up in a small family.   I had five children, so many people in the USA think I have a big family.  My daughter works hard.  She's a real estate agent.  She also likes to cook.  My husband cooks a lot.  My daughter-in-law cooks very well.  Most of my family likes to stay inside, but my third child loves to run and ride a bicycle.)

Monday, April 18, 2022

Nice to meet you!

I am very happy to meet you.  We will take a difficult reading test tomorrow, so try to sleep tonight and eat breakfast in the morning.

Who did you meet today?

Friday, April 1, 2022

April Fools!

On April 1, people play pranks on each other.  They try to trick people in a funny way.  On April Fools a few years ago, all the teachers changed classes in my children's elementary school for the first ten minutes.  Some children were really upset, but most of  them laughed when they realized it was a trick.

Did you ever play a trick or be tricked on April 1st?  What happened?

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Don't forget to change your clocks!


Be careful when you drive this week!  What do you think of Daylight Savings Time?

Thursday, March 3, 2022

We are the World

 Thank you, Sonia for suggesting this song!   

(I'm putting up an older version because I want English subtitles!)

Do you think the world response will promote peace in Ukraine?  

What are the most effective ways to help refugees?  

Tuesday, March 1, 2022


Yellow is an adjective.

Please describe something yellow!  Post a picture if you can!!

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Practice that Counts on your certificate!

At the end of our class, I will give you a certificate.  The certificate will show your attendance -- it will say you did so many hours out of the total hours.

Our ESOL program now has a subscription with ESL Library.  If you are my currently registered student and you use esllibrary.com, the time you spend can count toward your certificate hours.


  1. Go to: esllibrary.com/students
  2. Click the "Create an Account" link at the top of the page.
  3. Follow the prompts to set up an account.
  4. Enter the invitation code.



Please let me know if you try this.  Tell me if the assignments are good, easy, or difficult.  

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Getting Chores Done


What chores did you do today?  Do you like to listen to music when you do housework?  

Describe a chore that makes your life happier.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Winter Song


What is your favorite season?  When is winter in your former country?  What is it like?  What do you like to do in Winter?

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

I can....

 Can is a helping (auxiliary) verb.  

The verb that comes after it should be base form -- no ing or s at the end.

What are your skills?  

What skills make life at home better?  

What skills are good for getting a job?



Do you want to study or practice using simple present verbs?

What makes you happy? Do you pick up pennies when you find them on the floor? Can you write a lucky story?

Monday, January 24, 2022


I told everybody no school, but I was wrong.  We have school tonight.

What do you do every Monday?  We love to complain about Mondays in the USA.  Do people complain about Mondays other places too?  Where? 

Friday, January 21, 2022

I hope you are having a great weekend!


Save your tears for another day = don't cry now.  Cry later.  Did you ever cry because you were happy?  If yes, please write about it.

What are you doing this weekend?  What do you usually do on the weekend?

Rest in Peace (RIP) Meatloaf


When I started this blog, I spent hours looking for good songs with proper English lyrics.  I gave up.  It's good for you to listen to these songs anyway.  This video honors an artist that just died, and it demonstrates how we pronounce "can" differently when there's another verb behind it.

Do NOT say "ain't" even though it's a common word. 
  •  Ain't means isn't.  
  • There ain't no way = there isn't any way.// That ain't gettin us nowhere = that isn't getting us anywhere = Our efforts are not working.
  •  cause = because.  gonna = going to (used like will to show future.) 
  •  hoarse = voice sounds weird from sickness, crying or yelling.

Did you ever listen to Meatloaf's music?  Who are your favorite singers?

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

NO SCHOOL Thursday, January 20, 2022 (Evening students for Wednesday night-- we have school. Please come!!!)

 I am surprised!  I told Yoon Jung that we will probably have school tomorrow.  NO!  No School!!

The children don't have school, and we don't either!!  Please don't come.

When we cancel school, we add another day at the end of the term or add hours.  We don't want you to lose the time you pay for.

Do you like snow?  What are you doing today?

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Monday, January 17, 2022

What do you like to do?


What do you like to do?  Do you have a job?  Do you have a big family?
What do you do outside of class?

Hello (Adele Cover)

Welcome to English Class!  Please listen to songs you like many times.
Listening to songs can help listening comprehension and speaking rhythm.

Hello!!  Please write about yourself.  Who are you?  What do you like to do?    What's your favorite food?  What do you like to do?  What is your favorite holiday?  Do you like to talk about your family?

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Happy Science Fiction Day


My family loves science fiction.  My daughter loves Star Trek.  My son loves the Expanse and the Martian.  My husband likes quoting from a funny character on Babylon 5.  Do you like science fiction or space history?  What are your favorite movies or TV shows?