Welcome to ESOL Study!

Using English is the best way to improve your English! Please sing with the songs and write comments.

Please suggest songs and topics you like.

If you are using a phone, you need to scroll down and press "view web version" to find links to the vocabulary and grammar exercises.

If your phone translates this blog, please set your phone to use English. The instructions are here.

Click on the picture of the book to find the link to class vocabulary!

If you want me to explain any English topic to you on here, please comment or text to tell me.

Saturday, December 31, 2022

High Hopes

(Make a killing = earn a lot of money)

I have high hopes for our next class!!  Do you?  
Tell me about something you hope for.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Party Today

 Please come!  Please speak English as much as you can!

If you want to bring food, please bring food!

Please don't bring your children or alcoholic drinks or pork-based dishes.

Friday, December 2, 2022


 There's nothing like finding a sad song when you already feel sad.  I promised Yoon Jung I'd put up a BTS song, so here it is.  I'm going to miss you.

Mood is usually your emotional tone.  My teenager says, "mood" when she relates to someone else's expressed emotion.

What are the best slow songs in English?  Are they depressing?  Are they fun?  Are they romantic?