Be careful: "She don't" is not correct formal English. Even though you will hear native speakers use it, you should use "she doesn't."
What makes a person beautiful?
Be careful: "She don't" is not correct formal English. Even though you will hear native speakers use it, you should use "she doesn't."
What makes a person beautiful?
NEVER dive in shallow water...
Video about diving history for anyone that says, "What is dive?"
Do you like to swim? How often do you go swimming? Do you like to watch diving at the Olympics?The children get the day off on Teacher Workdays, but we don't. We have school!!
Practice using should ____ and shouldn't ___(base form)
What should I do to have good relationships with people?
I never say "brights" or "dims." I say high beams and low beams. Other than that, I like the following video.
Car Parts--(Language Guide. org)
Challenge Video (fast talking with good visuals) Basic Car Maintenance
Today's date is 10-4-22. 10-4 means "I understand" or "okay" on the CB radios that truckers used to communicate on the road before they had cell phones.
Did you ever drive a truck? Was it fun? Write about something that you understand now.
VOA: Child's Play-- English in a Minute
Describe a good day when you were young. What did you look like? What did you like to do?