In my class, we mostly only use the second column for irregular verbs, but we sometimes use the past participle (third column) as adjectives. If memorizing is easy for you, it's always good to practice irregular verbs.
How are you? What are you doing today? Are you studying?
Are you on Facebook? I am spending too much time on Facebook.
I am trying to focus on reading about the helpers.
My manager has started a Facebook group only for Plum students.
Bill Withers died today. One of my favorite stories in the
True Stories from the News series that we often use on reading days is Bill Wither's biography.
I love the story of the man who worked to get out of poverty, wrote songs to make the world better, and quit his successful career to enjoy time with his children.
Has anyone ever helped you when you needed it? What happened?
Are you enjoying time with your children? What are you doing?