While this next pop song is in the style of Gospel (African-american protestant Christian music) and includes some calls to the Lord, it is NOT Christian. It uses a lot of indefinite pronouns!
Do you love anyone? Who? How did you meet that person?
We had a lot of holidays recently-- Mardi Gras, Valentine's, Lunar New Year, President's Day....
We voted to have a Potluck Party on Tuesday. Bring food if you can. Please remember that many people in our class do not eat pork or pig products. If you make anything homemade, I'd love to get a video on how to make it. Don't worry about bringing food if you can't! Come and enjoy.
What do you like to do to prepare for a party? Write about a party in your former country.
There is an organization called "ashes to go" run by the Episcopal Church (Anglican (British English) Church in the United States) Ministers impose ashes at the METRO, in the streets, and in coffee shops. This custom has only been around for about five to ten years. Many conservative Christians dislike it.
Don't copy the grammar for the next video. I think it's good for speed, inflection and listening and possibly celebrating the snow day if you feel like a grumpy introvert.
Remember-- wanna = be want to
gonna = be going to (future)
Don't want no = don't want any
Don't want no company no way= I don't want any company anyway
It's true that "to be" is a linking verb that acts more like an = than an action, so using the rule did+action and was/were with a description usually works. Don't completely rely on it. Other non-action descriptive verbs like look, taste, and sounds like also take Did. Was and were is only for verb to be.
Examples of Exceptions to the Video's Advice:
Did she look beautiful? Yes, she did. She looked gorgeous.
Did it taste okay? Yes, it did. It tasted delicious.
Did it sound good? No, it didn't. It sounded like a daffy duck stuck in a fax machine.